Drama Korea The Running Mates: Human Rights Sub Indo
Sinopsis The Running Mates: Human Rights :
The Running Mates: Human Rights mengisahkan sebuah tim penyelidik yang berjuang dalam menegakkan hak asasi manusia yang ada di Korea Selatan. Mereka berjuang untuk berbagai orang yang hak asasinya dilanggar di dalam hidupnya.
Han Yoon Seo (Lee Yo Won), yakni seorang pria yang bekerjasama dalam tim penyelidik untuk Komisi Promosi Hak Asasi Manusia. Dirinya memiliki karakter yang dianggap suka keliru dan tidak memiliki empati sama sekali. Ia juga memiliki bekas luka dan rasa emosional tinggi yang berasal dari sebuah tragedi di masa lalunya.
Kang Ho Joon (Choi Gwi Hwa), adalah seorang mantan jaksa yang dikirim untuk bekerjasama dengan Komisi Promosi Hak Asasi Manusia dalam menegakkan keadilan HAM di Korea. Ia merupakan seorang pemikir dan selalu mempertimbangkan berbagai hal sebelum bertindak.
Tidak heran jika antara dirinya dengan Han Yoon Seo sering berdebat dan berseteru. Namun hal tersebut akan berubah jika ada seseorang yang membutuhkan bantuan mereka dan secara maksimal mereka akan bekerjasama dengan sempurna.
Detail The Running Mates: Human Rights :
Title: 달리는 조사관 / The Running Mates: Human Rights
Early Title: Running Investigator / The Defender: Human Rights
Genre: Crime, Social
Episodes: 16 (To Be Confirmed)
Broadcast network: OCN
Broadcast period: 2019-Sep-18 to 2019-Nov-07
Air time: Wednesday & Thursday 23:00
Lee Yo Won as Han Yoon Seo
Choi Gwi Hwa as Bae Hong Tae
Jang Hyun Sung as Kim Hyun Seok
Oh Mi Hee as Ahn Kyung Sook
Kim Joo Young as Bu Ji Hoon
Lee Joo Woo as Lee Dal Sook
Shim Ji Ho as Oh Tae Moon
Oh Jae Kyun
Park Bo Kyung
Kwon Hae Sung
Jang Jung Yeon
Han Kyu Won
Production Credits
Director: Kim Yong Soo
Scriptriter: Baek Jung Chul
Download Drama Korea The Running Mates: Human Rights Subtitle Indonesia
Episode 1
360p (HARDSUB INDO) : MirrorAce | Openload | MP4upload | Zippyshare | MEGA | SolidFiles | Google Drive | Mirror | Streaming
540p (TANPA SUB) : MirrorAce | Openload | MEGA | Zippyshare | Google Drive | Mirror
Subtitle Indonesia | Subtitle English
Episode 2
360p (HARDSUB INDO) : MirrorAce | Openload | MP4upload | Zippyshare | MEGA | SolidFiles | Google Drive | Mirror | Streaming
540p (TANPA SUB) : MirrorAce | Openload | MEGA | Zippyshare | Google Drive | Mirror
Subtitle Indonesia | Subtitle English
Episode 3
360p (HARDSUB INDO) : MirrorAce | Openload | MP4upload | Zippyshare | MEGA | SolidFiles | Google Drive | Mirror | Streaming
540p (TANPA SUB) : MirrorAce | Openload | MEGA | Zippyshare | Google Drive | Mirror
Subtitle Indonesia | Subtitle English
Episode 4
360p (HARDSUB INDO) : MirrorAce | Openload | MP4upload | Zippyshare | MEGA | SolidFiles | Google Drive | Mirror | Streaming
540p (TANPA SUB) : MirrorAce | Openload | MEGA | Zippyshare | Google Drive | Mirror
Subtitle Indonesia | Subtitle English
Episode 5
360p (HARDSUB INDO) : MirrorAce | Openload | MP4upload | Zippyshare | MEGA | SolidFiles | Google Drive | Mirror | Streaming
540p (TANPA SUB) : MirrorAce | Openload | MEGA | Zippyshare | Google Drive | Mirror
Subtitle Indonesia | Subtitle English
Episode 6
360p (HARDSUB INDO) : MirrorAce | Openload | MP4upload | Zippyshare | MEGA | SolidFiles | Google Drive | Mirror | Streaming
540p (TANPA SUB) : MirrorAce | Openload | MEGA | Zippyshare | Google Drive | Mirror
Subtitle Indonesia | Subtitle English
Episode 7
360p (HARDSUB INDO) : MirrorAce | Openload | MP4upload | Zippyshare | MEGA | SolidFiles | Google Drive | Mirror | Streaming
540p (TANPA SUB) : MirrorAce | Openload | MEGA | Zippyshare | Google Drive | Mirror
Subtitle Indonesia | Subtitle English
Episode 8
360p (HARDSUB INDO) : MirrorAce | Openload | MP4upload | Zippyshare | MEGA | SolidFiles | Google Drive | Mirror | Streaming
540p (TANPA SUB) : MirrorAce | Openload | MEGA | Zippyshare | Google Drive | Mirror
Subtitle Indonesia | Subtitle English
Episode 9
360p (HARDSUB INDO) : MirrorAce | Openload | MP4upload | Zippyshare | MEGA | SolidFiles | Google Drive | Mirror | Streaming
540p (TANPA SUB) : MirrorAce | Openload | MEGA | Zippyshare | Google Drive | Mirror
Subtitle Indonesia | Subtitle English
Episode 10
360p (HARDSUB INDO) : MirrorAce | Openload | MP4upload | Zippyshare | MEGA | SolidFiles | Google Drive | Mirror | Streaming
540p (TANPA SUB) : MirrorAce | Openload | MEGA | Zippyshare | Google Drive | Mirror
Subtitle Indonesia | Subtitle English
Episode 11
360p (HARDSUB INDO) : MirrorAce | Openload | MP4upload | Zippyshare | MEGA | SolidFiles | Google Drive | Mirror | Streaming
540p (TANPA SUB) : MirrorAce | Openload | MEGA | Zippyshare | Google Drive | Mirror
Subtitle Indonesia | Subtitle English
Episode 12
360p (HARDSUB INDO) : MirrorAce | Openload | MP4upload | Zippyshare | MEGA | SolidFiles | Google Drive | Mirror | Streaming
540p (TANPA SUB) : MirrorAce | Openload | MEGA | Zippyshare | Google Drive | Mirror
Subtitle Indonesia | Subtitle English
Episode 13
360p (HARDSUB INDO) : MirrorAce | Openload | MP4upload | Zippyshare | MEGA | SolidFiles | Google Drive | Mirror | Streaming
540p (TANPA SUB) : MirrorAce | Openload | MEGA | Zippyshare | Google Drive | Mirror
Subtitle Indonesia | Subtitle English
Episode 14 END
360p (HARDSUB INDO) : MirrorAce | Openload | MP4upload | Zippyshare | MEGA | SolidFiles | Google Drive | Mirror | Streaming
540p (TANPA SUB) : MirrorAce | Openload | MEGA | Zippyshare | Google Drive | Mirror
Subtitle Indonesia | Subtitle English
Jadwal tayang setiap hari RABU & KAMIS Malam di Korea.
Subtitlenya msh susah update ya min???pdhl biasanya paling cepet ….semoga segera update ya subtitlenya .
komentar nya mana lagi nii?? review nya dong hehe
Dramanya seru. Kasus2nya juga menarik. Varian baru lah ttg komnas kek gini